Sitemap - 2023 - SoCal Water Wars
Coop Scoop: Stop Substack from Spreading Nazi Propaganda
Gov. Newsom & Sen. Boxer: climate-change posers who lost to grassroots enviros
Groundwater Issues in Minnesota
Boxing with Barbara Boxer - California's 'greatest' environmentalist (until 2017)
Barbara Boxer made me happy I'm not a gentry journalist
Say no to gentry journalism. Independent journalism full speed ahead
Crackpot water doctrine guides California's latest desal strategy update
News Streams: Daily news of SoCal Water Wars in 500 words or less #1
What makes a good water portfolio and how to remove California's obsolete dams
How much imported water comes from the State vs. the Colorado River?
Can Degrowthers ally with Green New Dealers to address climate change?
Interview: finding better ways to connect people, environment, and water in California
La vigilancia – La ciudad de bienvenida provoca una reunión con la ‘máquin’ de South Bay
Interview: Carlos Quintero-General Manager at Sweetwater Authority
Surveillance-Welcoming city leads to a meeting with the South Bay 'machine'
Most of Tulare Lake is Contained in a Single Farm
[Revisited] Post-Poseidon: to desalinate or not to desalinate, that is NOT the main question
Looking for South Bay's 'political machine' and why we should care if there is one
You can't change the climate 'with dance, libation or prayer' - John Wesley Powell
John Wesley Powell was right 130 years ago: 'You're piling up a heritage of conflict'
Getting hosed in SoCal's Mythical Garden: pt 2
Invite your friends to read SoCal Water Wars
How ratepayers got hosed in the search for Southern California's Mythical Garden: part 1
Join my chat: Should SoCal water agencies change their business model?
MWD pushes bankruptcy with Delta support says former state water analyst
Guest Rant: Sierra snowpack could recharge bad water policies
SoCal Water Wars: Why this newsletter is important and how to help it grow
Using Bing A.I. to find San Diego's South Bay political machine
Rethinking quality of life in the era of climate crisis
Scrap outdated and racist water-rights system, says Gov. Newsom's former water manager
WILDFIRE: Yuba Water Agency returns forest management to Mother Nature
Gavin Newsom's 'culture of distrust' revealed by ex water conservation manager
(Re-send): Padre Dam's Pure Water project will replace SDCWA imports by 30 percent
(Re-send) Padre Dam's Pure Water project will replace SDCWA imports by 30 percent
Robert Hunter RIP: Water District GM quietly helped sink Poseidon's desal ship
South Bay water boards have some soul searching to do about transparency